"The US Supreme Court ruled Thursday, John Doe #1 and John Doe #2 v. Sam Reed, that people who sign political petitions don't have a right to keep their signatures from being disclosed publicly. Defendants insisted that signatures, like Election Day ballots, should remain anonymous and a form of speech protected under the First Amendment. But the court decided that the benefits of disclosure outweighed its burdens" . Chrisitian Science Monitor http://www.csmonitor.com/Commentary/Editorial-Board-Blog/2010/0625/Supreme-Court-on-transparency-vs.-anonymous-speech.
The Supreme Court of the United States has decided just this last week that your refusal to allow the Scott Walker Recall Petitions to be made public is illegal. As an arm of the Wisconsin government you are required to follow the decisions made by the Supreme Court or you will be in contempt of court. I heartily suggest you follow the law of the land and release the petitions so the public can access them to verify them.
I also request that this letter be considered an official document and be added to the public file and each of the GAB judges be given a copy.
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