Okay, so maybe it is constitutional, but is it law? Judge for yourself.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Post Recall Thoughts
A few things to consider now that the will of the people has prevailed.
I know the lefties think they are speaking for the people, but the voters have now had their say, and have given the state a mandate. Despite your desperate screams, it is still OUR HOUSE! And this is exactly what Democracy looks like, the majority rules! You basically got your wish, so please learn some restraint, it just so happens the majority believes differently than you.
1. Leftists love to demonize their opponent, calling them every name in the book. We are NOT demonic, we are just like you, trying to not run out of money before running out of month. We have taxes to pay, car payments, mortgage payments/rent, and utilities payment. We are the middle class, and we are not dumb hicks or yokels, many of us have more education than the elite. For you to pretend that we are somehow too unsophisticated to understand how you think things should work is not making you look all that good anymore.
2. We do NOT want "dirty air and dirty water", we are just as much concerned with the environment as you. We are more concerned with not allowing thousands of people to starve to death than about whether a moose might have to change his mating habits. We have different priorities, saving the world means taking care of our people, not worrying about whether the atmosphere will get heated up by 1 billionth of a degree by my light bulb.
3. You do NOT care about the poor and down trodden any more than we do. Just do some research on who (conservative or progressive) gives more charitable donations before you try to brow beat us with your compassion (or something). I also do NOT understand why it is acceptable to allow violence in the inner city neighborhoods and think that somehow you are being non-judgmental by giving them stuff like free cell phones? Let's not deal with the violence issue, lets just give them more stuff. How is giving a fish a day more compassionate than getting them jobs and teaching them how to fish to sustain themselves?
4. We have NOT been lied to by big corporations, we have not been bought by the Koch brothers. We think for ourselves and know that spending money we don't have is not fiscally responsible. No we did not balance the budget on the backs of the middle class, the Doyle budget was already destroying the middle class. We want responsible spending, not austerity measures (which will happen if spending isn't gotten under control).
5. We are NOT terrorists for not allowing the President to raise the debt ceiling, we are not Nazis for taking control over corrupt unions, and we are not fascists for cleaning up the fraud, waste and abuse in government.
6. Death threats are illegal, and we are NOT afraid to stand up to bullies (Mitt Romney is NOT a bully, nor is Scott Walker). Scott Walker stood up to the union thugs and we had his back. Recall that!
7. Voter ID is NOT suppression, and the investigation into Eric Holder is not a witch hunt because he is trying to stop Voter ID. The election process is a sacred trust, and by not allowing the people to ensure its purity is nothing short of criminal. There is no concerted effort to disenfranchise anyone (except the dead), in fact, voter ID will have the opposite effect by making sure that everyone is allowed only one vote.
8. There is NO conservative "war on women". Where in the world did you get this ludicrous idea? Birth control/abortion is not a right (I will change my mind if you can find those words in the Constitution). We are not anti-abortion...we are pro-life. We have been accused of caring only for the baby, but guess what, again, you are completely wrong; we care about both parties, mother and baby, we just don't think taking the life of either is acceptable.
9. If you have voluntarily become a dependent on government, don't complain when they change what they decide to give you. It is NOT your money to begin with, it is not owed to you for any reason, and taxpayers like a little thanks from time to time. Just because you want free health care, doesn't mean it is free. Somebody has to pay for it, and if it is not you......then who?
10. Justice ceases to be justice when it is NOT applied blindly and equally. Forcing every newly passed piece of legislation through the courts is not justice. And refusing to acknowledge the wrong doing of one party and blindly hate the other party for doing the same things is not just. Either stop pointing fingers or start holding your own party to the same standard.
11. Wall Street is NOT the problem, overreaching government is the problem. We do not need more government, even if that government seems to be compassionate. Prohibition didn't work with alcohol, what makes you think it will work with soda? We will keep our laws off your body if you keep your laws off my Smith and Wesson.
12. If you believe that companies need to be forced to provide benefits to their employees, and that employees need to unionize to get respect from their managers, you are most likely a Walker hater. But if you think that business owners are also humans and that they already respect their employees; if you think employers bargain for a fair wage through negotiations with each employee, and if you think the free market is the answer to today's economy , then you probably stand with Walker . The free market does work, it just needs to be unhindered by all the government regulations that are supposedly for the benefit of society.
On a more personal note, I understand that the poor tend to live in run down neighborhoods, and can't afford to fix up their homes, but do you have to do further damage? Do you think that by vandalizing and destroying your own stuff will make us want to give you more? I do not get it, you demand we take care of you and give you everything you want and then you trash what was given to you, do you really think we want to keep giving you more? Oh and statistically, the poor in America are the richest poor in the world, in some countries you would be on par with their middle class. Maybe be a little appreciative from time to time.
I know the lefties think they are speaking for the people, but the voters have now had their say, and have given the state a mandate. Despite your desperate screams, it is still OUR HOUSE! And this is exactly what Democracy looks like, the majority rules! You basically got your wish, so please learn some restraint, it just so happens the majority believes differently than you.
1. Leftists love to demonize their opponent, calling them every name in the book. We are NOT demonic, we are just like you, trying to not run out of money before running out of month. We have taxes to pay, car payments, mortgage payments/rent, and utilities payment. We are the middle class, and we are not dumb hicks or yokels, many of us have more education than the elite. For you to pretend that we are somehow too unsophisticated to understand how you think things should work is not making you look all that good anymore.
2. We do NOT want "dirty air and dirty water", we are just as much concerned with the environment as you. We are more concerned with not allowing thousands of people to starve to death than about whether a moose might have to change his mating habits. We have different priorities, saving the world means taking care of our people, not worrying about whether the atmosphere will get heated up by 1 billionth of a degree by my light bulb.
3. You do NOT care about the poor and down trodden any more than we do. Just do some research on who (conservative or progressive) gives more charitable donations before you try to brow beat us with your compassion (or something). I also do NOT understand why it is acceptable to allow violence in the inner city neighborhoods and think that somehow you are being non-judgmental by giving them stuff like free cell phones? Let's not deal with the violence issue, lets just give them more stuff. How is giving a fish a day more compassionate than getting them jobs and teaching them how to fish to sustain themselves?
4. We have NOT been lied to by big corporations, we have not been bought by the Koch brothers. We think for ourselves and know that spending money we don't have is not fiscally responsible. No we did not balance the budget on the backs of the middle class, the Doyle budget was already destroying the middle class. We want responsible spending, not austerity measures (which will happen if spending isn't gotten under control).
5. We are NOT terrorists for not allowing the President to raise the debt ceiling, we are not Nazis for taking control over corrupt unions, and we are not fascists for cleaning up the fraud, waste and abuse in government.
6. Death threats are illegal, and we are NOT afraid to stand up to bullies (Mitt Romney is NOT a bully, nor is Scott Walker). Scott Walker stood up to the union thugs and we had his back. Recall that!
7. Voter ID is NOT suppression, and the investigation into Eric Holder is not a witch hunt because he is trying to stop Voter ID. The election process is a sacred trust, and by not allowing the people to ensure its purity is nothing short of criminal. There is no concerted effort to disenfranchise anyone (except the dead), in fact, voter ID will have the opposite effect by making sure that everyone is allowed only one vote.
8. There is NO conservative "war on women". Where in the world did you get this ludicrous idea? Birth control/abortion is not a right (I will change my mind if you can find those words in the Constitution). We are not anti-abortion...we are pro-life. We have been accused of caring only for the baby, but guess what, again, you are completely wrong; we care about both parties, mother and baby, we just don't think taking the life of either is acceptable.

10. Justice ceases to be justice when it is NOT applied blindly and equally. Forcing every newly passed piece of legislation through the courts is not justice. And refusing to acknowledge the wrong doing of one party and blindly hate the other party for doing the same things is not just. Either stop pointing fingers or start holding your own party to the same standard.
11. Wall Street is NOT the problem, overreaching government is the problem. We do not need more government, even if that government seems to be compassionate. Prohibition didn't work with alcohol, what makes you think it will work with soda? We will keep our laws off your body if you keep your laws off my Smith and Wesson.
12. If you believe that companies need to be forced to provide benefits to their employees, and that employees need to unionize to get respect from their managers, you are most likely a Walker hater. But if you think that business owners are also humans and that they already respect their employees; if you think employers bargain for a fair wage through negotiations with each employee, and if you think the free market is the answer to today's economy , then you probably stand with Walker . The free market does work, it just needs to be unhindered by all the government regulations that are supposedly for the benefit of society.
On a more personal note, I understand that the poor tend to live in run down neighborhoods, and can't afford to fix up their homes, but do you have to do further damage? Do you think that by vandalizing and destroying your own stuff will make us want to give you more? I do not get it, you demand we take care of you and give you everything you want and then you trash what was given to you, do you really think we want to keep giving you more? Oh and statistically, the poor in America are the richest poor in the world, in some countries you would be on par with their middle class. Maybe be a little appreciative from time to time.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
The Constitution is under attack!
We face a grave crisis. Not just as a nation, but also as a people. Quietly, without fanfare nor debate, the cornerstones of our freedom are being stolen away by both Obama and the establishment. The watchdogs, the press and media, are being very quiet, passive, and toothless to stand up and speak.
Part of the problem exists in our own stupidity as long as it does not directly step on our toes nor slap in the face , it’s OK. The demons in DC, only work publicly with partisan flare for our benefit. But in those dark halls, they gleefully stab us in the back, and slip the shackles of a feudal bondage led by Obama. So yes, slavery is back and alive and well, with a stooge, willing dogs, all for the powers to be.
We’ll start with warrant less searches. Just as the Supreme Court here allows GPS usage as not violating your privacy rights, so now the 7th Circuit Court has rules a cellphone search of your records to obtain your numbers is allowable. In Michigan, the police can download your private info at a traffic stop. These searches are A-OK in both California and Florida. But in Ohio, they cannot. As Judge Michael Posner has written, “ Now with the touch of a button, your cell phone is entry to a full house search”.
“its like a diary. As police can open yours to copy addresses, they now can turn yours on to learn its owners numbers. But yet cannot yet examine your letters (texts) in your phone. “
They key word here is YET.
It seems non-intrusive enough, to bypass a warrant, but Obama and Congress refuses to act on this invasion of your privacy.
The next hidden stripping of your rights that DC loves and Obama gleefully signed is this beast. This unconstitutional act is known as the The Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act. It allows the government to designate any place they decide where is it is a place whether Free Speech or Association is not allowed and therefore illegal. The powers to be (which covers all areas ---down to local city/county level) decide what is legal based on the 100% content of the parties usage. So Obama, Or John Boehner, even dimwit Debbie Wasserman decide if your constitutional right to exercise your grievances shall be allowed!
Even thought that right is framed in the Constitution, the 1st Amendment is tossed aside and into the trash, as THEY do not care for your disagreements, an as such can be used to brand a citizen a terrorist! So any one who gathers and expresses your rights can and will be arrested, down to prosecution under the fullest extent of the law. So if you wish to do so, that right is a very empty right.
Now this abomination passed by BOTH the House and Senate with only 3 (THREE) dissenting votes, and Obama signed it quickly also. Justin Amish (R-MI) says “ This bill expands the law to make it a crime to enter or remain in vicinity any place an official is visiting even if an innocent party does not know it’s illegal nor has a reason to know if that place is covered. Criminalizing 1st Amendment activity violates freely our rights. So entering anyplace covered on official business or functions stifles our freedoms fully an act of National (or governmental) importance is jail for you!
So as Amendments continued to be added to it be both very worried and angry!
The next Obama act subtly snatched is your right to due process under the law is, is your unimpeded ability to travel freely that was passed and signed in May. “The Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Act of 2012 . “ Inserted deep into this law, like the NDAA of 2011 (regardless of the signing statement ), has a wicked Trojan horse that is a fool you wording statement. Section 40304 allows the IRS power to revoke your passport!
You have back taxes due (or fines)! Levied by an unknown party that decides you are in serious debt to the government, and the Commissioner of the IRS will uphold that decision, whether rightly or wrongly made. So no Judge, no Court, no Jury, nothing is given to given defend yourself. And in a quick stroke, your citizenship revoked!
Do they have the right? Can through claimed back taxes or fines that we the unrepresented give them the right to do so? Taxes with our representation? Does this allow taking away your natural rights?
It seems so now, making freedom an illusion only given by paying the claimed by them taxes due. So does that freedom a Government given illusion to make us believe we are more than true slaves to them, no more than human chattel to their bondage.
Does this mean we will now serve unconditionally in a vastly expanded debtors prison, then bow before the faceless to regain any standing? What it is, in fact, a “Bill of Attainder” which is in not in its part and whole what the Revolution was fought for!
Article 1, Section 8, Clause 9 of the Constitution FORBIDS it! Not without a LEGAL conviction of fraud or evasion. Nor without a judicial judgement either. UNCONSTITUTIONAL and wholly illegal to even try anyone for it!
Not that Habeus Corpus matters to those folks in the White House or in Congress, it seems. So again, Obama and his fawning underlings expand Executive Power without a peep from Congress. Your rights are surrendered. Your are guilty without charge. You have no rights!. And so quickly the true enemies of the people smile, tell you lies, laugh, and pocket our freedoms quietly.
And, as of March 22 of this year, the Justice Dept. under orders from the Executive (again Obama) are to retain all info on US citizens, even if you have no ties nor connection to terrorism or a group engaging in such. This allows more faceless people to take and hold that info for at least 5 years, instead of being destroyed immediately, if no evidence is found you are engaging in terrorist activity. And as Atty. General Holder (he is of Fast and Furious fame, perjury charges pending) can also share your info with other agencies.
“A number of different agencies looked at issues to be comfortable with protecting the country” an unnamed official states. This info varies from visas and travel records on every traveler, permanent residents, and even US citizens that will be used by anyone, including the FBI. From the 2004 Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act every Federal agency (over 30 so far) you are scrutinized! “ We don’t want an important piece of any info hidden in some back hidden filing cabinet”, states Mike Rogers (R-MI).
These words “tangible things” and “relevant” go far beyond the law as no one is absolutely sure what they are, beyond Obama again and his allied establishment. And every day it gets more dangerous for all Americans.
As we go through primary season up to the November elections, we must act NOW! It starts with replacing every one in Congress up for election and their god Obama. We must end our submission to DC and its denizens and purveyors of bad government. Allowing a dictator to remain in OUR house is worse that doing nothing. In November, they ALL are term limited with recourse and regain our well earned freedom while we can or else! This goes without any explanation.
It is time to act NOW!
Monday, June 4, 2012
This is the reception heroes deserve.
What honor looks like: The flash mob at Gate 38 of Reagan National Airport
May 23, 2012
By Chris Muller
But something happened on May 23, 2012 at 9:31 a.m. at Gate 38 of Reagan National Airport that might change that. A flash mob of sorts broke out. But not like you’ve seen on YouTube with highly choreographed dance numbers or people singing a song in unison. In fact, virtually all of the participants of this “flash mob” didn’t know they would be participating until moments before it happened.
Let me explain. Shortly before 9:30 over the
But – then it happened and frankly, I wasn’t expecting it. All throughout the terminal, people left their gates and gathered around gate 38. A few active
Someone held up an old newspaper from 1945 that had a banner headline that said, “Nazis Quit!” And when I saw that newspaper, I realized that World War II wasn’t just a chapter in a history book. It was men and women who saw an evil like the world has never seen before and traveled across the world to meet that evil. And they defeated it.
I wonder if in 1945, any of those brave soldiers could ever imagine that 67 years later, we’d still be basking in the freedom that they preserved. And some of those heros were about to walk through Gate 38.
The first soldier walked through the door. Old, frail and needing help walking. And every person I could see in the entire airport stood and applauded. No – maybe cheered is more like it.
But here’s the thing – the applause didn’t stop. For a full 20 minutes, as veteran by veteran stepped out of the jet way, the US Airways wing of Reagan National Airport thundered in appreciation. Travelers stepped out for the opportunity to shake their hand while others held back tears.
This is the America we picture in our heads. Heros getting a hero’s welcome and those who enjoy the freedom adequately conveying their gratitude.
Now, I know what honor looks like.
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