Our Founding Fathers did a lot of careful and deep contemplation when drawing up our Constitution, and determined that the best form our government should take was a Representative Republic. The protesters keep insisting that we have a Democracy. Democracy in its purest forms is simply rule by a simple majority, so 51% of the population get to make the rules for the other 49%. This is what Democracy looks like. Lets see how this plays out.
We the 51% decide that all gays and lesbians get no rights at all, they only represent 10% of the population. We the 51% say no rights, period that's it. This is what Democracy looks like.
We the 51% of the population decide that labor unions will all be dissolved, they have no more voice, no more power no more money. Labor unions are only 7% of the population. We the 51% have the majority, no more labor unions, that's it period. This is what Democracy looks like.
We the 51% decide that women are too emotional to make political decisions, so they shouldn't be able to vote. The new law takes effect immediately. We the 51% have spoken, that's it period. This is what Democracy looks like.
We the 51% decide that only white male land-owners get to vote; no blacks, no Hispanics, no women, no minorities. We are the majority, 51% that's it period. This is what Democracy looks like.
We the 51% decide the only Christians and Jews can be citizens, no Muslim, no atheist, no Hindu, no Buddhist, no Wiccan. We are the majority 51%, that's it no reprieve, period. This is what Democracy looks like.
We the 51% decide that special interest groups do not get any special rights, no gay marriage, no equal opportunity, no affirmative action, no diversity. That's it period, we the 51% have spoken. This is what Democracy looks like.
Democracy is a very problematic society. For that reason the Founding Fathers didn't give us a Democracy. So many people who are protesting right now would simply lose their privilege to protest. Do you really want to know what Democracy looks like?
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