Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Christine O'Donnell & the first amendment

As much as the left would love to hear Mrs. O'Donnell misspeak and reveal lack of understanding of the first amendment, it didn't happen! Sorry mainstream media. She was MORE informed than her liberal opponent. He thought "separation of church and state" was found in the first amendment, when in fact the "establishment of religion" was prohibited by the amendment. The "separation of church and state" is an INTERPRETATION that the Supreme Court has used in several decisions. But like the "right to privacy" that has been used to support "right" to abortion, those words, and some would say, even the principle, does not exist in the Constitution. It's time to revisit the founding documents of this country, in which case Christine O'Donnell, and conservatism as an ideology, will be upheld, defended, and preserved. With conservatism comes protection of the rights that are found in the Constitution. Now is the time. A conservative victory is a victory for all Americans and our beloved nation.

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