Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Constitution means what anymore?

Here are a couple of links.
Obama admits that he was NOT born in the US.
He is NOT a citizen, he CANNOT be President. We need to impeach him, even Biden would be better than this.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Who's to blame?

“We would not accept the yoke of Christ; so now we must tremble at the yoke of Caesar,"Bishop Fulton J. Sheen.
Lets put the blame on the correct entities for the horror that our country has become. Do we really believe we can regulate morality? By casting out the overseer Creator we have opened the door for greed and corruption. We have been preached at by the liberal left that we cannot "legislate morality" when it comes to their pet issues, i.e. abortion, homosexuality, pornography, racial discord, freedom from religion, irresponsibility...
And so we have incrementally stripped our society of the only thing that kept the greed and corruption under control. An inner sense of morality, and the idea that we are responsible for our actions to a higher power, in other words a conscience. But this has been stripped from our society by the atheists, and the scientists, and the agnostics, and the humanists. All these groups tell us that we are not special, that there may be other life in the universe, that our society is like every other society, that we are no more than animals, that there is no God for us to be responsible to. And the consequence of all this, a corrupt and greedy people who don't care who they hurt on their quest for more and more. A lack of moral conscientiousness, no love of country, no patriotism, no compassion for the suffering. Instead it is always "take what you can get," "give me what you have," "I deserve it, so I will take it."
And we now have a leadership in Washington D.C. that has lived with this mantra their whole lives. So are we surprised at what we have gotten, are we surprised at how they want to rule us, are we surprised by their answers to our problems, are we surprised that they don't know what truth is? And what is the lefts answers to the right? They now want to try and silence their opposition, they want to stay in power, they want to control the masses, they want more of the resources for themselves.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Fire them already!

This is unbelievable. The Department of Justice, yes the Department of JUSTICE! is refusing to enforce the laws of the land. If you are black in this country you can get away with anything. So they are no longer satisfied with equal rights, they want special treatment, and since a black man is in charge of the Department of Justice, they will get it.

The last paragraph of the article is the perfect example: "In May, Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the DOJ, after the Justice Department determined that “access to the majority of the records” responsive to the request should be denied." The DOJ is charged with enforcing the Freedom of Information Act. They are breaking their own law. There is nothing this administration will not do to destroy life as we know it, even to the point of refusing to do the job they were hired to do.

And get this, Eric Holder is in Afghanistan lecturing the new Afghan administration about justice in their country. He doesn't even know how to do his job here in the United States, how in the world can he even say "BOO" to another countries justice department? We NEED to give everyone of these appointees a pink slip.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Traitor in Chief

Where does it end? The evidence is mounting against Obama. He is a traitor! He is a felon! He STOLE the election from his own party! He is not an American citizen! He is a socialist! He ignores this countries issues and golfs?!?! We need to impeach this worthless idiot. He has NO idea how to run a country, much less lead the free world. He is out there bowing to the despots and Ayatollahs, and turning his back on our long time allies, like Europe and Israel. This country has hit bottom, and he is the cause. No more pointing fingers and blaming BUSH! This is his! He needs to own up to it. He is responsible for EVERYTHING since his inauguration. That is part of the job, if he doesn't like it he can give up the job. IMPEACH and throw this traitor in prison!!!!!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

I demand reparations

I have a hard time believing what is going on in this country of ours. We are on the verge of losing it to the fringe lefties, and the Muslims. The American experiment could fail just as easily as the Roman Empire fell, and unfortunately for those who forget history, we are repeating their same mistakes. Rome was not overthrown by an outside enemy, they were destroyed because of corrupt, greedy politicians on the inside. Sound familiar? Whatever happened to majority rule? Political correctness, that's what, when the majority becomes afraid of offending someone and start censoring their own speech, the minority then becomes the ruling class. I am offended by so many things that they are saying and doing and I am told to "shut-up" and to "suck it up".

What started all this was a man walking through the parking lot when I was taking up my groceries. I have a "NOBAMA" sticker on my car, and he started singing the praises of Obama, calling him a Bush killer. I just walked away, shaking my head and told him to pull his head out of his butt. And like always, for anyone who knows me, that got me to thinking. Obama has done nothing, nada, squat, nil for the black population. The black unemployment is at a record high with almost half the black population out of work, he has ignored any type of job creation, welfare punishes those who do have motivation to work, and punishes marriage (all the time the gay population demands the right to marriage, why it only brings with it more government control). Anyway, after this young black man walked away, I realized what we have in this country is a slave population. And it is not the blacks, it is the middle class. The blacks, latinos, and underclass whites don't do shit and we pay them. That sounds like reverse slavery to me.

So here is my idea, we should all walk up to our government offices and demand they make reparation payments to the middle class that has been footing the bill for the unemployed. I am being oppressed. I have a grievance. Stop abusing me! Shouldn't the 14th amendment be something I can use also, or was that just written for the blacks? Come on America, pull your heads out of your behinds. There IS reverse-discrimination, and it is happening right now to everyone who has a job and pays for the rest of the underclass to sit on their proverbial asses and do nothing while we give them money. Remember the old proverb, "give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime." We are now punishing the man who fishes and giving his fish to the man who won't. How is this good for anyone?